河景’s 梦之村联欢晚会 Continues to Break Records; Fund-A-Dream Paddle Raise This Year Will Support Staff Development!
在周五, 6月14日, 买足彩app平台迎来了近400人参加我们一年一度的梦想村晚会. 在河景, 我们为学生提供特别的课程, 其中一个关键部分就是招聘, 发展中, 并保留一个敬业和热情的员工. To this end, our 2024 Fund-A-Dream was focused on raising funds to invest in staff development. 随着教育界的不断发展进步, this Fund-A-Dream will help 河景 remain at the forefront of educating students who learn differently.
晚会和拍卖会在露天帐篷下举行, 位于MC Greene Field的河景校园中心. 这项年度活动继续创造记录,2024年的活动筹集了超过1美元.400万年!
在今晚的活动开始之前, 与会者与家人混在一起, 朋友, 和河景员工, 还享受了一场热闹的鸡尾酒会. 欢迎客人们参加最受欢迎的掷酒活动, 参观以花卉为主题的照相亭, and even had the chance to enter the diamond raffle to win a stunning sapphire and diamond necklace. 支持者们享受着对展出的许多令人兴奋的无声拍卖物品的竞价, 从美术, 餐饮场, 娱乐体验, 到独一无二的河景特色商品和豪华目的地. At the live auction (a staple of the event) guests raised their bidding paddles for some of the more expansive packages, 包括奢华的海外旅行,比如去巴黎, 希腊, 安圭拉岛, 和意大利.
在活动开始时,一个学生乐队恰如其分地命名为: 岩石上! 当客人们纷纷走向他们指定的餐桌时,他站在舞台上. 一次坐, 校长Stewart Miller对与会者表示欢迎, 谁说晚会了, 以及河景镇员工的实力.
每年, 晚会表彰的是一位“造梦人”,” a person who exemplifies the 河景 ideology and gives back to the community in ways that are hard to quantify. 今年, the award was presented to Attorney and former chair of the ARC of the United States and the ARC of Massachusettes, 弗雷德Misilo. Fred is a trust and estate attorney with over 35 years of experience working for clients with complex needs, 并与无数的河景家庭合作,指导他们度过接下来会发生什么?”的过程.
为晚会画上圆满的句号的是Fund-A-Dream划船比赛, which kicked off with an inspired staff-focused video to showcase the direct impact that supporting our staff will have on 河景’s programs. Pre-pledged捐款, 包括来自学生团体的100美元(由学生会筹集), 激发了整个活动中最优秀的捐助者, 最终超过了500美元,为员工发展筹得1万英镑!
这真的需要一个村庄, and the Gala could not have been made possible without the dedication of the 40+ person committee, 由Gala主席Linda Ledoux和Gala联合主席Barb Noble领导, 辛勤工作的志愿者(其中许多是河景的员工), 优秀的供应商和合作伙伴, 以及买足彩app平台忠实的赞助商和捐赠者的慷慨解囊. 我们感谢所有支持这次活动的人, 他们是否在帐篷下面, 或者从远方捐赠!